BASF AUVOT Sportif virtual car shape  in the color Blue Flame







Coatings Division Supplier Website 


Welcome to the BASF Corporation - Coatings Division Supplier Website!

We value you as a partner and want to effectively communicate our requirements, share your supplier performance metrics as well as provide you with some usefull information on preventing silicone contamination. 

Also, as a valued supplier we want you to share with us any changes that could impact our products so that we can continue to give our customers quality that is expected from BASF.

Contact Information

Please use the following contact list for additional information or help:

Phil Rice
Procurement Operations Manager
Mobile phone: 001 248-450-9574

Supplier Quality System Requirements

BASF Corporation - Coatings (OEM) Division is certified to the ISO/TS16949 quality system standard. This standard requires the suppliers of BASF to maintain, at a minimum, certification to the ISO9001 quality system standard.

If your company is not certified to this quality system standard, please contact us immediately!

Management of Change
As a supplier to BASF, we require you to submit a management of change request when making a change to packaging, chemistry, process, testing, specifications or when you are discontinuing products.
Crater Prevention

Here is information on what a crater is and what are some causes of this defect and how you can help prevent craters in our products.

We have listed possible sources of contamination as well as tips regarding how to assess your processes and advice on cleaning.

Crater Prevention Brochure
Your Guide to Crater Prevention
Paint Cratering Substances
Under review. Please contact us, if any questions

Crater Prevention - Shake Test Video