Lighting Solutions
One luminaire. Infinite design opportunities.
It's light's time to shine – with our films, you can manipulate light to create stand-out designs that weren´t possible before. For the lighting industry, Lighting Solutions of BASF offers a range of optical films with light control properties for greater luminaire design and flexibility than ever before.

BASF's Lighting Solutions offers a portfolio of flexible and thin films, which are customizable in length and thickness. Seamless glare control luminaires, individual highlighting with WallWasher films, or indirect lighting ambience with BatWing effects are all possible without changes to the luminaire body. Take advantage of its full compatibility to our other products in your luminaire series!
Lighting Solutions Films
With endless production length for seamless luminaire designs, different light shapes, and exciting aesthetics, the light itself becomes a part of the interior design of any given space.
Better performance
Just one luminaire
Infinite length
More design freedom
Smoother appearance