
How we work

We at the Digital Incubation Unit (DIU) believe that we need two things above all else to develop successful business models: a motivated team with an agile, digital mindset, and reliance on proven methods throughout the innovation process.

The way we think and act is entrepreneurial and customer-centric. The principle of “fail early, fail fast” is a major part of how we work. We use the Design Thinking approach to identify feasible business models, followed by the Lean Startup method to develop them further. If an idea proves unfeasible or unpopular on the market, we shut it down at an early stage. Hypotheses are tested under real conditions, with real customers.

What makes the way we work unique? We never stop thinking outside the box and see market feedback as the hardest currency for our ventures.

The four phases of venture building

Innovation process throughout the Design Thinking method

The way we work is dominated by the Design Thinking method – a creative innovation process that centers around customer needs and perspectives. We think and act in a problem-oriented way, before devoting ourselves to the solution.

DIU Design Thinking

You can find more information about the DIU here:

Are you ready for the next sprint with us?

Whether as a team member or a cooperation partner – we can’t wait to work with you.